The register includes all accredited companies/organisations, which are about 2000 within such diverse areas as food safety certification, elevator inspection and toy testing.
What you can search for in the search field is what the company/organisation is accredited for, i.e. type of testing, calibration, inspection or certification. (If you want to find companies accredited for a specific standard and/or other normative document, use the tab “By categories”.)
The easiest way to find what you are looking for is to write an appropriate word in the search field, e.g. “vehicle inspection” “radon testing”, calibration, a company name or an accreditation number. The obtained proposals can be based on synonyms, i.e. the terms used in standards etc. can differ from the ones more commonly used. Note: The scope of accreditation is sometimes found in an attached pdf-file, which is not searchable.
NB! To make an appointment, get a price or details about the services/methods you have to contact the company in question.