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Intertek Semko AB
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Contact info

Phone: 08-750 00 00

Postal address

Intertek Semko AB
Box 1103
164 22 Kista

Visiting address

Intertek Semko AB
Torshamnsgatan 43
164 40 Kista

Accreditation fields

Testing, SS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018

Climate and environmental durability
Electrical testing
Functional testing
IT- and communications testing
Safety testing


Title Name
STAFS 2020:1 Swedac´s Regulations and General Guidelines on Accreditation

Notification, Designated body, SS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018

IT- and communications testing


Title Name
FCC 974614 D01 v05r02 Accredited testing laboratory program roles and responsibilities
ISED Testing laboratory technical assessment checklist
STAFS 2020:1 Swedac´s Regulations and General Guidelines on Accreditation
STAFS 2022:7